I need a function to convert multiple PDF files into images simultaneously.

The use of the PDF24 tool allows the conversion of PDF pages into high-quality JPG images. The application is intuitive and offers a reliable service performance. However, there is a need for a function that allows the simultaneous conversion of multiple PDF files. Currently, a user can only convert individual PDF files, which leads to increased effort when dealing with multiple files. This lack significantly limits the efficiency and user-friendliness of the tool and there is an urgent need for action to implement this function.
To address the problem of simultaneously converting multiple PDF files, a new feature could be integrated into the PDF24 tool, which supports batch conversion. This enhanced feature would allow users to upload and convert multiple PDF files at once, significantly accelerating the conversion process and greatly improving the tool's efficiency. This would also provide users with more convenience and make working with the tool much easier. Such an innovation could significantly reduce the effort and make the PDF24 tool even more user-friendly.

Hvernig það virkar

  1. 1. Heimsækja vefsíðuna
  2. 2. Hlaðaðu upp PDF skránni þinni
  3. 3. Veldu síðurnar sem á að breyta
  4. 4. Bíddu eftir að breytingarferlið ljúki.
  5. 5. Sækja breyttar myndir

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