Although PDFescape is touted as an intuitive online tool for editing PDF files, I'm encountering problems with adding annotations to my PDF file. Despite the utmost care and following the steps suggested by the tool, I find it difficult to add annotations to my files. This could be due to an error in the software or my lack of knowledge about the tool. Regardless of the exact cause, this problem effectively hinders my work, as I heavily rely on the ability to add annotations to my files. Therefore, I'm looking for solutions to overcome this issue with PDFescape.
I am having trouble adding annotations to my PDF file.
PDFescape provides a simple solution for the issue of adding annotations to PDF files. All you need to do is upload the desired PDF file and click on the "add annotation" option, which is located in the menu at the top of the page. After you have clicked on this option, you can enter the desired text and place it anywhere within the PDF file. The changes are automatically saved, so you can download the edited file at any time. By using PDFescape, you can perform this task simply and efficiently, regardless of your technical knowledge. This allows you to focus on your work without having to worry about technical challenges.

작동 방법
- 1. PDFescape 웹사이트를 방문하세요.
- 2. '무료 온라인' 버튼을 클릭하세요.
- 3. '새 PDF 문서 만들기', 'PDFescape에 PDF 업로드하기', '인터넷에서 PDF 불러오기' 사이에서 선택하세요.
- 4. 필요한 변경 사항을 적용하십시오.
- 5. 편집된 PDF 파일을 다운로드하거나 저장하십시오.
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