Despite the versatile features of PDFescape, I am having trouble adding password protection to my PDF file. The tool has previously worked reliably, but I can't find a way to securely encrypt my file. This has the consequence that the content I created may easily be viewed by unauthorized individuals. The intuitiveness that normally characterizes this tool doesn't seem to be present in this area, as I am unable to use the necessary feature despite minimal technical skills. The question arises as to how I can password protect my document with PDFescape to ensure the security of my PDF file.
I am having trouble protecting my PDF file with a password.
With PDFescape, you can password protect your PDF files to ensure the security of your documents. To do this, click on the 'Protect' option in the main menu. In the window that now opens, you can set a password for your PDF file. Make sure that the 'Requires password to open the document' checkbox is activated. Then enter your desired password and confirm it by re-entering it. Finally, click on 'Apply' to save the changes. With this step, your PDF file is safe and effectively protected.

작동 방법
- 1. PDFescape 웹사이트를 방문하세요.
- 2. '무료 온라인' 버튼을 클릭하세요.
- 3. '새 PDF 문서 만들기', 'PDFescape에 PDF 업로드하기', '인터넷에서 PDF 불러오기' 사이에서 선택하세요.
- 4. 필요한 변경 사항을 적용하십시오.
- 5. 편집된 PDF 파일을 다운로드하거나 저장하십시오.
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