I am faced with the challenge of simplifying my complex PDF document, while ensuring the consistency of the format across various platforms. Currently, it contains numerous form elements that I want to convert into static and non-editable parts to avoid possible errors when filling out or editing. For this, I need a user-friendly and reliable solution. Additionally, I would like to have the option to optimize the content of my PDF documents in order to ensure better visibility in search engines. As I regularly work with sensitive or formatted texts, a free and easily accessible tool for this task would be ideal.
I need a tool to simplify my PDF document by converting all form elements into static parts.
The Flatten PDF tool from PDF24 provides the perfect solution to your problem. It simplifies complex PDF documents by converting form elements into static, non-editable parts, thus avoiding errors when filling out or editing. In addition, thanks to its SEO optimization function, it ensures that your PDF content achieves improved visibility in search engines. Using the tool is user-friendly and reliable, which makes the work easier and more efficient. Additionally, the tool is free and easily accessible, making it ideal for daily work with sensitive or formatted texts. Thanks to PDF24, you can maintain control over your PDFs and ensure consistency across various platforms.
How it works
- 1. Upload the PDF document
- 2. Click on 'Flatten PDF'
- 3. Download and save the flattened PDF
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