I need an effective solution for real-time collaboration and problem solving in the code development area, which supports multiple languages and platforms.

I am looking for an effective solution for code development that allows real-time collaboration and increases productivity. The tool should provide the ability to work in multiple languages and platforms, and share and edit the code simultaneously. In addition, debugging sessions should be able to be designed interactively and effectively. It is necessary that this tool is able to overcome spatial barriers for team projects and provide synchronized tests through shared servers and terminals. Finally, it should be able to seamlessly integrate into other Visual Studio tools to ensure flexibility and comfort for every development team.
Liveshare is exactly the solution you're looking for. It's an efficient development tool that allows you to share and edit your code in real time, significantly increasing productivity. It supports a variety of programming languages and platforms and enables you to make debugging sessions more interactive and effective. With Liveshare, you can overcome geographical boundaries and seamlessly work on projects with your team. It provides synchronized testing through provided shared servers and terminals. Additionally, Liveshare can be easily integrated with other Visual Studio tools, offering your development team maximum flexibility and convenience.

How it works

  1. 1. Download and install Liveshare
  2. 2. Share your code with the team
  3. 3. Allow real-time collaboration and editing
  4. 4. Use shared terminals and servers for testing
  5. 5. Use the tool for interactive debugging

Link To Tool

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