I have been having issues with my internet performance since changing providers and would like to check this.

Since my recent switch of internet providers, I have noticed a significant impairment of my internet performance. This has hindered my access to internet-based services such as streaming, gaming, virtual meetings, and distance learning. In order to make an informed assessment of the situation, I would like precise data on my current download and upload speed, as well as the ping time. As I am aware that these aspects are essential indicators of the quality of an internet connection, I am looking for a reliable method to determine these. Moreover, I would like to track the development of my internet speed and compare it with the performances of different providers, in order to possibly make necessary changes.
The Ookla Speedtest tool can help you obtain precise data about your current download and upload speeds, as well as your ping time. These parameters are essential indicators of the quality of your internet connection. Its simple and accurate measurement method allows for a well-founded assessment of internet performance. The tool allows you to run tests on multiple servers worldwide, ensuring high reliability and standardization. Additionally, you can track your internet speed over time with Ookla Speedtest. By storing your test history, you can also compare the performances of different providers. This facilitates decisions for necessary changes.

How it works

  1. 1. Go to the Ookla Speedtest website.
  2. 2. Click on the 'Go' button in the center of the speedometer reading.
  3. 3. Wait for the test to complete to see your Ping, Download, and Upload speed results.

Link To Tool

Find the solution to your problem via the following link.

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