With my secured PDF document, I encounter the problem that I cannot comment or sign it. Even though I have a copy of the document, certain functions, such as adding comments or attaching a signature, appear to be locked. Even when I enter the original password, these restrictions remain. This represents a significant limitation of my ability to work effectively with the document, as for example, I can't add notes or express my formal agreement through a signature. Therefore, I am looking for a way to bypass this issue and regain full control over the capabilities of my PDF document.
I cannot comment on or sign my secured PDF document.
The online tool Unlock PDF from PDF24 offers the solution to your problem. Simply upload your secured PDF to the web-based platform. The tool then unlocks your document, allowing you to add comments and sign the document, even if these functions were originally locked. It even allows you to change the print and editing restrictions. Thus, you regain full control over your PDF document. Your original files are not stored in order to ensure the security of your documents. The entire process does not require any software download or installation, supporting efficiency and user-friendliness.
How it works
- 1. Click on the 'Choose Files' button and select your document
- 2. Wait for the process to finish
- 3. Download your unlocked PDF file
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