Pwned Passwords

Pwned Passwords is an online tool that allows users to ascertain if their passwords have been compromised in past data breaches. The tool uses a SHA-1 hash function to ensure information safety. If a password has been exposed, it's advised to change it immediately.

Updated: 1 month ago


Pwned Passwords

Pwned Passwords is a resource that enables users to check if their passwords have been exposed in a data breach. This tool incorporates half a billion real world passwords exposed in data breaches, hence enabling its users to assess their level of vulnerability. By just typing in your password, the platform will let you know if it has been pwned. Pwned Passwords secures your information by running the entered passwords through a SHA-1 hash function upon reception, ensuring that any sensitive data remains private. This encryption provides an extra layer of protection. If your password has ever been breached, it's recommended to change it immediately.

How it works

  1. 1. Visit []
  2. 2. Type the password in question in the given field
  3. 3. Click on 'pwned?'
  4. 4. Results will be showcased if the password has been compromised in previous data breaches
  5. 5. If exposed, change the password immediately

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