I need to check whether my password has been disclosed in a data breach.

As a user, it is important to me to ensure the security of my passwords. I am concerned that my passwords may have been exposed in a data breach, thus putting my personal information at risk. I lack an adequate tool to perform this check. It is of great importance to me that this tool protects my submitted information and treats it confidentially. Therefore, I need a solution that offers me a simple and secure verification method, and implements this with appropriate encryption technology.
The tool you are seeking, Pwned Passwords, offers a simple and secure way to verify your passwords for potential privacy breaches. After you enter your password, it is encrypted with a secure SHA-1 hash function and matched against a database of around half a billion compromised passwords. If your password is found in this database, it means that it was exposed in a data breach in the past. You will then be notified and can take action, such as changing your password. Your sensitive data is always protected by the hash function and remains confidential. Thus, Pwned Passwords provides an effective solution for ensuring the safety and integrity of your passwords.

How it works

  1. 1. Visit [https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords]
  2. 2. Type the password in question in the given field
  3. 3. Click on 'pwned?'
  4. 4. Results will be showcased if the password has been compromised in previous data breaches
  5. 5. If exposed, change the password immediately

Link To Tool

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