When using the online tool PDFescape, difficulties arise in editing the content of a PDF file. Despite the intuitive user interface, the existing text in the document cannot be correctly modified or complemented. Even the addition of new text elements or graphics proves problematic. Besides, the saving of the made changes does not work smoothly, so that the changes disappear after reopening the document. This significantly hinders the efficient and smooth workflow with the tool.
I'm having trouble editing the content of my PDF file.
PDFescape offers a simple and efficient solution to the described problems. Initially, the tool provides a direct text editing function, which allows existing text elements to be modified or supplemented on an intuitive interface. In addition, new text elements and graphics can be effortlessly added through the drag-and-drop function. Furthermore, PDFescape has a reliable saving function that securely records and saves all changes made. These can be accessed without any problem when reopening the document. Thus, PDFescape enables an efficient and seamless workflow when creating and editing PDF documents.

작동 방법
- 1. PDFescape 웹사이트를 방문하세요.
- 2. '무료 온라인' 버튼을 클릭하세요.
- 3. '새 PDF 문서 만들기', 'PDFescape에 PDF 업로드하기', '인터넷에서 PDF 불러오기' 사이에서 선택하세요.
- 4. 필요한 변경 사항을 적용하십시오.
- 5. 편집된 PDF 파일을 다운로드하거나 저장하십시오.
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